“It’S an Addiction” (Movie 4)


“It’s An Addiction” (movie 4) – what a man will do for his drug of choice in rainy Maine. Poorly edited, poorly shot, and dime store computer effects make this video a worthless pile… enjoy!!


Montgomery County lawmaker wants to legalize pot

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

“Unlike alcohol and tobacco, marijuana is not physically addictive. … More than a dozen states have legalized marijuana use under different circumstances, many of them for medical use, and the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws is …
Read more on The Times Herald


More drug-related crimes in Maine

Filed under: drug addiction help in maine

WINTHROP, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Between pharmacy robberies, home invasions, and shootings, Maine police are seeing a common connection and recent crime: drug dependency. Winthrop Police say that's the reason four masked men barged in to a 71-year-old …
Read more on WCSH-TV