Justin Bieber Fans Post Self-Harming Photos in Protest Against the Stars Drug Abuse


Justin Bieber Fans Post Self-Harming Photos In Protest Against The Stars – Thank you for watching.. My website: codeyorgill.wix.com


Continue the fight — Lawmakers must attack drug scourge

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

It goes without saying that addressing the region's rampant prescription drug abuse problem through tougher legislation should be a considered a priority for lawmakers returning today to Charleston and Richmond. The statistics alone are reason enough …
Read more on Bluefield Daily Telegraph


Drug-Resistant Melanoma Tumors Shrink When Therapy Is Interrupted

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Jan. 9, 2013 — Researchers in California and Switzerland have discovered that melanomas that develop resistance to the anti-cancer drug vemurafenib (marketed as Zelboraf), also develop addiction to the drug, an observation that may have important …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)


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