LCAT: Teen Drug Use


LCAT: Teen Drug Use – A video brought to you by the LaFollette Community Action Team. This video revolves around the topic of teen drug use and how it affects family and friends. …


Danger one call away for teen drivers

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Dunn congratulated the officers on their success in reducing fatalities, but warned about the trends he's seeing in juvenile court, including drug abuse and reckless and distracted driving. “Teens are involved in three times as many fatal crashes than …
Read more on Medina County Gazette


Canada's System Overhaul Starts Tuesday

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Said the <a href="" target="_blank">Tory finance minister</a>: "Yeah, in my teenage years… a couple of times, I have to admit: I didn't like it." … Said the <a href=" …
Read more on Huffington Post


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