Looking for Drug Treatment Boston? Watch This!


Looking for drug treatment Boston? Watch this! – If you are in Boston, watch this video on drug treatment. For mental health and recovery, try our drug treatment. Our centers specialize in dual diagnosis fo…


Ex-Steeler Merriweather sues western Pa. casino

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Merriweather contends he is an ordained minister, and is certified as an anger management and substance abuse counselor, but was nonetheless treated like he might be violent. He's now the athletic director at a Christian high school near his home in …
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Heart Risks Common in Teens With HIV

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Both HIV infection itself and the antiretroviral therapies used to treat it have been associated with increases in various cardiovascular risk factors in prior studies, including those conducted in pediatric populations. … PHACS was supported by the …
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The stats don't lie: 'Gay' health costs coming your way

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Medical research has demonstrated the LGBT community is disproportionately susceptible to a wide variety of health problems aside from HIV/AIDS, including mental illness and suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse. David Kupelian's …
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Beyond Addiction

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Chris Thigpen still talks about his previous 14-year-long drug addiction in the present tense, using phrases like “I can't stop” and “I'm not satisfied” close to three years after becoming sober. For Thigpen, who grew up in Jaffrey and is now 30 and …
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