Manchin Fights for Measure to Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse in House-Senate Compromise Bill


Manchin Fights for Measure to Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse in House-Senate Compromise Bill


Florida leaders agree to ease funding restraints on prescription drug database

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

TALLAHASSEE —. The state's governor and top lawmakers are backing away from a ban on using taxpayer dollars to pay for a database that the system's supporters say is critical in combating prescription drug abuse. Gov. Rick Scott said Tuesday he would …
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With rise in prescription drug use comes greater addiction

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

That pattern follows statewide and national trends, trends coupled with rising numbers of people seeking treatment for prescription drug addiction. The sales of prescription opioid pain relievers nationwide ballooned between 1999 and 2010. The Centers …
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Prescription Drugs Pose Problems for Calvert

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

The committee reported that during the past five years Calvert's substance abuse services have seen a 350 percent increase in requests for treatment for prescription drug abuse. Maryland's statewide average is 103 percent. Treatment services in Calvert …
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