Million Marijuana March NYC 2007 Ibogaine and the Drug War


Million Marijuana March NYC 2007 Ibogaine and the Drug War – This is a video from New York City May 5th 2007. The Global Marijauna March to legalize drugs and focus on treatment instead of prison for addicts. Also of great concern is to get the fascist pigs to stop locking up harmless, peaceful, hard working members of our society for choosing marijuana over alcohol and prescription drugs. Our tax money is far better spent on fighting actual crime even though that will make a “detective”s job a lot harder. Witholding Marijuana from those who would benifit medically from using it is cruel an unusual punishment; witholding recreational marijuana is an infringemnet of the people’s right to pursue happiness. Included is info about how to kick heroin, crack, coke, cigarettes etc. Related Links ::: http


6 people charged with DWI

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. (WIVB) – The Erie County Sheriff's Road Patrol arrested six people for Driving While Intoxicated in separate incidents Saturday night and Sunday morning. 46 year-old Thomas R. Ptak was … A blood sample was secured to determine his …
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Lance Armstrong's worldwide web of lies

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

And it is just more drama that has helped fuel Armstrong, along with his own competitiveness and all the drugs he was taking to stay ahead of the field, even as he told us for a decade and a half that he was the only clean guy in the race. … That …
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MSF Calls for Respect of Civilians in Northern Mali

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

BAMAKO, MALI/BRUSSELS/PARIS/NEW YORK, JANUARY 13, 2013—All parties to the conflict in Mali must avoid harming civilians and health structures, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans … MSF has …
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