More Phony Lies (And Quotes) From Rush Limbaugh..


More Phony Lies (and quotes) From .. – UPDATE: Tell Congress to Dump Rush Today, General Wes Clark is asking you to join 34118 other Americans and email Congress urging them to take Rush Limbaugh off Armed Forces Radio. Last week, Rush Limbaugh labeled American servicemembers who support an end to the war in Iraq “phony soldiers.” We’re going directly to Congress to take him off the Armed Forces Radio airwaves. Elected officials in Congress have the power to prevent Limbaugh from using taxpayers’ money to disrespect and censure the voices of our soldiers. Join us and hold Rush Limbaugh accountable for his offensive and outrageous comments — tell your member of Congress to Dump Rush From Armed Forces Radio today! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why I do not like Rush Limbaugh. He’s a racist… racist n. 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. He’s a bigot… bigot n. One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ He’s a demagogue… demagogue 1. A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace. SOME OF RUSH LIMBAUGH’S BIGOTRY, RACISM AND DEMAGOGUERY AT WORK VIA HIS QUOTES: ON AIDS “And one of the things that — that the — the AIDS activists said regularly back then was, oh, this is only a matter of time before it spreads to the heterosexual community. It’s only a matter of time. And they used that as


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20 Responses to More Phony Lies (And Quotes) From Rush Limbaugh..

  • MadameCasper says:

    No but it would be redundant.?

  • SeaWolfe59 says:

    Wouldnt a “phony lie”? be a double negative?

  • Blinkcub says:

    because people in Rush’s family are judges and lawyers? and they got Rush out of stuff

  • heavym3tal says:

    And? your thoughts on Bush’s comparison to Hitler?

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    Democrats? don’t hate fat child molestors. They support NAMBLA.

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    Democrats are the assholes full? of hate.

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    Fuck braindead liberals who support phony soldiers like? Jesse MacBeth.

  • middleoftheroad24 says:

    Obama has been a Fraud and a Failure .. so they want to shut this ass hole up .. Jesus Christ Obama is the anti christ!! he planted Fluke so any reasonable person would attack her.. and who said Rush speaks for anyone.. Obama u need to take your racist socialist ways? back to Chigaco..

  • middleoftheroad24 says:

    Hey asshole Rush breeds hate .. he should be over at MSNBC with the rest of? the fucking Haters ,, GRow the fuck up!!!!

  • AmericanRebel1776 says:

    fuck brain dead rednecks? like yourself

  • 4swordkeeper says:

    Why isnt Bush like Hitler? His grandfather Prescott Bush had major ties to the Nazi party. I was a Bush supporter the whole 8 years. I thought he was a good christian. After seeing what was going on in the Bomeimian grove I can tell he is no christian. Christians dont bow to giant owl idols. Then when I figured this was a lie I? kept finding things. He murdered over 3000 at 9/11. His brother was head of security there. Bombs went off everywhere in the place.

  • BiggerFatterBlog says:

    Limbaugh is a chicken hawk who is? too fat to fit in the uniform.

  • pushycatpops says:

    Why isnt this fat ass? child molestor in jail yet? much less all over Fox networks

  • redneckbob109 says:

    Fuck gays and? hippies

  • redneckbob109 says:

    “Liberal Fascists?” two opposites that make no sense and I am not Liberal by the? way so you can take Limbaugh’s chunky flabby dick and force it in your gaping asshole.

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    @CvilleRR87 The only soldiers liberals like you support are the phony soldiers like Jesse? MacBeth.

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    You liberal fascists compared Bush to Hitler for years. Of course, you can dish it out, but? not take it.

  • StoogeWatcher says:

    So liberal retards, care to explain your friend? Jesse MacBeth, the phony soldier/anti-war icon?

  • soulhunter59 says:

    I don’t think it’s god you need to? thank.

  • flamecharizard123 says:

    rush limbaugh? stinks!

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