My Mom Says I Can’t Write an Article About Cannabis?

Question by : My mom says I can’t write an article about cannabis?
Hey so I’m doing my first year of the GCSE course in the UK and we have to do controlled assessment it’s like coursework. Well for English we have to write a rant newspaper article about something that really annoys me. I decided to do the legalisation of cannabis I told my mom before hand she didn’t seem keen but I really wanted to do it so last weekend I wrote it up I read it to my dad he said it’s good then I read it to my mom and she stopped me half way at a bit where I said that cannabis is phycologocaly addictive like the addiction to tea but not physically addictive like heroin she got angry and said I was wring and that i take things from the Internet and assume them to be facts I took it to class today my teacher said it is okay to write about I spent about two hours on the article btw and I got home today when my mum came bak she said what homework have you done I said English I was rearranging my article and fixing some errors ( this is true btw) she took my to my room and said that cannabis is bad for you and that she is not going to let me write it and she will phone the school to stop me from writing it. I have to give in my final copy in two days if she phones my school I will have to stay after school to write the article on a whole new subject.yeah here’s the great but my mom us a doctor so she thinks she is always right she doesn’t accept my sources as real I just feel like if I have to stay after school I will end up rushing it and handing in a poor essay and this is for my GCSE’s some how my mom can only talk to me for 5 minutes but screw up a week for me pls give me you honest thoughts even if that means I’m wrong I have tried to make this as non-biased as possible thank you
This was written on my iPhone sorry I’f there are mispelling

Best answer:

Answer by tom
to start off with i strongly believe that cannabis should be legal everywhere because it is not as bad as some of the things you can buy which are legal such as alcohol. people shouldn’t just assume that because it is a drug, it is bad. it is a plant the same as a lot of drugs we use everyday so people should just let other people enjoy their lives. if you don’t want to smoke it or eat it don’t. no one should tell anyone else how to live. agreed that smoking it isn’t the best way because of the health risks associated with smoking but you can all ways boil it in tea or bake it into cake etc.

for your problem i think you should explain to your mom that the subject you have chosen is extremely controversial and will make a very good article because it is an issue which is massive right now. a good article leads to good grades which leads to a better life for you. your parents and teachers should appreciate that you have picked up on a very good argument which is well worth discussing. if i were you i would tell my mom that just because i am writing about drugs it doesn’t mean im going to grow up taking them etc, its just a piece of school work.

also if you are every going to try cannabis remember that your mom isn’t totally wrong. it can be dangerous if you take it too far and make it regular.

good luck mate 🙂

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