Narconon {Scientology-Linked Drug Rehab} a DANGER!


Narconon {Scientology-linked drug rehab} A DANGER! – Found on ROCK CENTER NBC Famous Scientologists like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have touted the value of Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program based on the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. “We are the authorities on getting people off drugs,” Cruise said in a video about Scientology released online. John Travolta hosted a fundraiser for Narconon’s Hawaii location in 2007. But the parents of one young person who died while in treatment by Narconon’s flagship facility have called Narconon “inhumane,” and others whose children died on the premises of Narconon caution anyone from sending their children there. Narconon’s method of rehabilitation is unorthodox. Patients are called “students” and they study a series of eight books based on the writings of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. The books resemble grade school workbooks and the students practice exercises that Narconon says helps them lead drug-free lives. The program costs 000 per patient and the treatment usually takes three to six months to complete. Narconon’s unconventional methods include spending up to five hours a day in a sauna for 30 straight days and taking up to 5000 milligrams of the vitamin Niacin daily. It is similar to Scientology’s regimen called a “purification run-down,” designed to free the body of toxins in order to achieve spiritual gains…. Worldwide there are much more DEATHS! Narconon must be stopped!


Into Action Treatment, drug rehab in South Florida, Hires Kevin McLoone as

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

Into Action Treatment, a small 24 bed coed drug rehab in South Florida, has hired a new Public Relations coordinator. Kevin McLoone is not just another employee for Into Action, he is also an alumnus of the treatment center, having successfully …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Did MTV send Jenelle Evans to rehab in Florida for 30 days?

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

Courtland responded to the Facebook post by writing, “lmfaoooooooooo” and then, “f**k her lol…she aint even in a drug rehab lol” and “let her lie some more lol.” So everything seems to point to Jenelle being in some sort of facility in Florida, though …


Murder suspect Derek Richardson had drinking and anger issues

Filed under: free drug rehab treatment

He experimented with taking drugs, sniffing gasoline and drinking heavily. Twice his family sent Richardson to rehab for his problems with alcohol. One treatment stint was spent in Columbia because it was located far away from his hometown and his …
Read more on The Olathenews