New Class of Synthetic Drugs in Michigan


New Class of Synthetic Drugs in Michigan – The state is trying to get ahead of a dangerous new class of drugs that have arrived in Michigan.


Center to offer assistance for those recovering from drug, alcohol abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

All sources point to the strong need for college campuses to intervene with programs in place to help those trying to get out of the habit, be it abuse of alcohol or any other addictive substances such as illegal drugs. Regent Steve Hicks of the UT …
Read more on The UTD Mercury


BC-MIMichigan News Preview,ADVISORY, MI

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

Just 1 cent of every health care dollar in the U.S. goes toward addiction, and few alcoholics and drug addicts receive treatment. One huge barrier, according to many experts, has been a lack of health insurance for the disorder. But that barrier …
Read more on Wisconsin State Journal


BC-MIMichigan News Digest, MI

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

LANSING — Michigan health officials say they have the capacity to handle the increase in the number of people who will become eligible for substance abuse treatment starting in 2014 with the federal Affordable Health Care Act. An Associated Press …
Read more on Wisconsin State Journal


The Marijuana Two-Step

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

Irwin asked for help in pressing other legislators to support decriminalization. “We're going to end the drug war,” Irwin said. “We're going to legalize marijuana here in Michigan. The amount of blood and treasure that we've spilled in this failed drug …
Read more on Detroit Metro Times