Online Game Firms Need to Do More to Prevent Addiction Say Researchers


Online game firms need to do more to prevent addiction say researchers – We are discussing this article: Email your questions to gamefreehome4u at Dr. Doan an…


Five Dangers The Internet Poses To A Sustainable World

Filed under: addiction help online

Purchasing goods over the internet is both anonymous and guilt-free, and online retailers purposefully streamline the purchasing process to encouraging impulse buying, a growing addiction made easier as it doesn't even require leaving your chair …
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Lindsay Lohan Admits Many Addictions In Shocking Oprah Interview

Filed under: addiction help online

The next few times were after two DUIs, possession of cocaine, and Lindsay herself realizing the help she needed. Her sixth time in rehab finished on July 30 after a 90-day stint at Cliffside Malibu Facility. After Lindsay's first DUI in May 2007, she …
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