P.A.R.K. Foundation: Oxy Killer


P.A.R.K. Foundation: Oxy Killer – The Prescription Addiction Really Kills Foundation, Inc. (P.A.R.K.) has been established by individuals who have suffered the tragic loss of family or friend…


Bully for You; Bully for Me

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Regarding the general increase in the number of teens attempting suicide in the United States, Crosby lists several factors, including juvenile drug use and the effects of the economic downturn on families. … The Foundation for Individual Rights in …
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Univ. of Colorado asks, Is human extinction nigh?

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].
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Faces of drug abuse:

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

She, too, had seemed to have fought her way out of addiction after seeing her father die two years earlier. Her mother, Dr. Karen Shay, a dentist, had arranged … Her mother now travels the state — along with Mike Donta — talking to other school …
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