Places in NYC Where I Can Get a Piercing Without Parent?

Question by Kitti3x: Places in NYC where I can get a piercing without parent?
I want to get my belly button pierced. I’m under 18.
I heard of Whatever Tattoo and Addiction NYC. Do they card you? Are they good? Are they illegal?
If you know one preferably Brooklyn or Manhattan only please lol thank you!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Nonnie22
The last thing those places want is trouble with the state! Why would anyone jeopardize their means of making a living to satisfy your desire to have your body pierced? And if a law enforcement agency didn’t catch them in the act, your mom or dad could turn them in.

There’s a reason for laws like this. If you really want a piercing you’ll still want it when you’re 18.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Lesley Gore Mentors NYC “Forgotten Children” in “Forgotten Borough”

Filed under: addiction help nyc

11/12/2012 – Singer Lesley Gore (“It's My Party,” “You Don't Own Me”) spent the summer quietly riding the 6 train to the South Bronx to help give voice to a group of kids who often find themselves voiceless in a noisy city. The kids … and director …
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The Big Lobbyist Battle For Medical Reefer in New York Begins

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Even with the rollback of the Draconian Rockefeller drug laws by Cuomo, being the world capital of weed arrests sure doesn't help. But it seems as if change might be in the (smoky) air. After Election Day … "We are now coping with the epidemic of …
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From Twitter:

“@aamsden44: #NYC is giving me a cupcake addiction #HELP”– where’s that at? – by C_SING31 (Chris Singleton)


From Twitter:

#NYC is giving me a cupcake addiction #HELP – by aamsden44 (ashley amsden)


From Twitter:

@NiallOfficial Niall, I believe you have what we call an addiction.. Me and @MNM_711_96 want to help you in NYC because we care for you. :)) – by Irish_Batranger (Stayn Miall Larrylin)