Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by Joe: Prescription ?
I think that I might have a prescription drug addiction. Please Help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by busylady0615
well, it depends on what it is. if it is a painkiller (probably, those are the most addictive) then you should go to your dr. let them know and they can help you safely stop taking the drug without severe withdrawl syptoms. also, they can make sure you never get it or it’s relatives again to renew your problem.
i know it seems scary to never have it again, but if you really want help then do it!

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Local Teen Shares Story: Accidental Prescription Drug Overdose – UNDATED — Four Ohioans die every day from an accidental prescription drug overdose. It’s something the attorney general’s office is actively fighting, with …


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2 Responses to Prescription Drug Addiction?

  • mattyjmania says:

    Admitting it is the first step. If it is an addictions to opiates (painkillers) or Benzo’s(anti-anxiety), then a detox is in order. I am sure other Rx drugs require detox, but opiate withdraw is the WORST, and Benzo withdraw can be fatal!!

    I speak from experience. I have been there.

    I would suggest getting the detox taken care of @ a qualified facility (ie Rehab, hospital, etc) Then you may want to look into seeking the help of a 12 step group.
    This of course is not what I am telling you to do, but it worked for me:~) 2 1/2 years and counting, one day @ a time.

  • mike y says:

    smoke weed its safer and you cant die from it.

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