Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction


Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction – Discover the symptoms of cocaine addiction in this free home health video Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has been a …


4/20: Americans Are Ready to Legalize Marijuana, Why Aren't Politicians?

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

In 1999, as the Republican Governor of New Mexico, I made some waves by becoming the highest ranking elected official in the nation to call for the legalization of marijuana use and to publicly state the obvious: is an "expensive bust …
Read more on PolicyMic


BC-IL–Illinois News Digest, IL

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Just 1 cent of every health care dollar in the U.S. goes toward addiction, and few alcoholics and drug addicts receive treatment. One huge barrier, according to many experts, has been a lack of health insurance for the disorder. But that barrier …
Read more on Wisconsin State Journal


Health notes

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Woolf and his colleagues said the problem has less to do with faults in the U.S. health system, and more to do with behaviors that put U.S. citizens at risk. “They consume the most calories per person, have higher rates of drug abuse, are less likely …
Read more on Buffalo News


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