Signs to Look for With Teens


Signs To Look For With Teens – When we’re talking about kids using drugs and alcohol, what should you look for, hopefully well before they face addiction? D…


Investigating rape in Philadelphia: how one city's crisis stands to help others

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

And Darby said that his team are not out to prosecute victims for underage drinking or drug use, for example, because overlooking that helps elicit an honest and more full account of what happened, which in turn improves the chances of arresting a rape …
Read more on The Guardian


Colorado state toxicology lab suspends blood-alcohol testing in wake of

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

The Colorado Department of Health and Environment is suspending all testing of blood-alcohol and blood-drug levels at its state toxicology lab pending an investigation to see if they are being done correctly. An independent lab will take over testing …
Read more on Daily Caller