So Its Business as Usual for the Cartels in Arizona,Two Caves Used by Drug Cartel Found in Arizona?

Question by liberals sequestered from truth: So its Business as usual for the cartels in Arizona,Two caves used by drug cartel found in Arizona?
Meanwhile Obama sent the Az. Government signs warning Arizona citizens it is dangerous for them to be in Arizona to place facing north,This is not a president who is protecting his citizens like he should.What say you?
Hay snake liberal,In case you are not up on the news,Az.Is being sued from Obama for trying to protect themselvs from these illegal invaders who are obviously MEXICANS.
RE:snake.Well sir,If we had that problem here where I live,I would have no problem with cooperating with police,I have nothing to hide,Neither do any of my mexican buddys that agree 100% with me.

Best answer:

Answer by ZonieGirl
I say that Obama is more interested in the Hispanic vote than he is for the safety of the people he was elected to protect and represent.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Arizona Drug Lords = USA* TROIKA *USA = Homeland Security FBI DEA National Security – A source close to the investigation against HSBC Holdings Plc said that the Department of Justice is looking to prosecute individual bankers. “I understand that they are meticulously doing interviews with one primary objective driven by the Justice Department on this case, which is to identify and prosecute any individuals within the bank for which the evidence will support such an action. Prosecuting individuals is their number one priorty,” the source said on condition of anonymity. The Justice Department initiated the investigation against HSBC because of bulk cash the bank received from money-changing firms in Mexico. Due to its receipt of this bulk cash HSBC is suspected of handling money belonging to the Mexican drug cartels. Although the Mexican drug cartels are a matter of national concern, Justice’s decision to prioritize prosecuting individual bankers may be motivated by another event hitting closer to the Department’s home. Some believe that if the bank is found to have laundered dirty money HSBC could pay a record one billion dollars fine as the Justice Department may look to make an example of the bank. The source who has direct knowledge of the probe which was disclosed last year said it is moving slowly in part because of the need for close examination for these individual prosecutions. He did not name any targeted individuals but revealed that theCarroll Foundation Trust one billion dollars offshore tax evasion money laundering case is believed to be


Students use drunk driving course to learn dangers

Filed under: Arizona Drug Use

On a sunny Saturday morning, a lot of teens would choose to sleep in but not Arizona cadets in the Civil Air Patrol. They came out to the Deer Valley Airport to learn about the dangers of drug and alcohol use and how their decisions can affect other …
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Despite glut of 'official' days, groups like honor

Filed under: Arizona Drug Use

“There are a lot of issues that need attention,” said Jessye Johnson, deputy director of the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, another group that has October as “its” month. For groups like Clausen's and Johnson's, a presidential proclamation …