Some Really Good Teen African American Novels?

Question by Sammy: Some really good teen african american novels?
I love reading these novels i’ve read some by ni ni simone. Could you please give me a book along the lines of romance/drug addiction etc. Nothing too serious i’ve read books by Kalisha Buckhannon/Conception, Hot Girl by/ dream Jordan.

Best answer:

Answer by Dobby
Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson is a great book. there is a second book called forge

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Where are they now: Marlin Briscoe

Filed under: drug addiction help line

However, drug addiction almost ruined his life. Briscoe was a fourteenth-round draft choice out of the University of Nebraska …. He said that he needed help at wide receiver. I told him that I never played wide receiver before, but that I would try …
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[Exclusive] Dark Horse Editor-In-Chief Scott Allie Reveals Big Plans For 2014!

Filed under: drug addiction help line

Scott Allie: Well, Mike Richardson was heavily influenced by the EC books, and he's always wanted to get those books into our line, even before we were doing archives of other titles, like Creepy and Tarzan and whatnot. We love that EC material quite a …
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