Substance Abuse : How to Conquer Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms


Substance Abuse : How to Conquer Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms – It’s never pleasant to withdraw from Xanax, but symptoms can be conquered by keeping neurotransmitters fairly balanced. Use exercise to deal with Xanax withdrawal symptoms with help from an addiction specialist in this free video on substance abuse. Expert: Dr. Kim Makoi Bio: Dr. Kim Makoi has been a chiropractor in San Francisco for more than 11 years. He is also an addiction specialist. Filmmaker: Sam Lee


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20 Responses to Substance Abuse : How to Conquer Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Shelledsoul says:

    This guy just took a giant shit out of his mouth! You can’t in any way, simply conquer Xanax withdrawal. It will be hell no matter what you, doctors, or rehab do. It WILL suck! Some things i did to HELP was taking Benadryl, drinking? plenty of water, and pray to the god i didn’t believe in till i went through this. Still barely did anything, but better than this guys advice.

    “I would not wish on my worst enemy, this particular ride”- Phil Anselmo

  • Shelledsoul says:

    He’s obviously never been through it. ?

  • potshot2 says:

    You know nothing? Doctor Snow.

  • Guitarnutmike says:

    I agree with those who have? been through it. This guy is not knowlegable. Try coming off 11 mgs. per day. It can KILL YOU.

  • WheelMan JH says:

    You are right man, let me tell you, exercise improves more than just your physical well being, it helps your mind and spirit all at the same time. Cardio does wonders and lifting a little weight here and? there helps a lot too. If all of the doctors out there would prescribe exercise and a halfway decent diet than people would feel a hell of lot better. Pills don’t cure shit they just treat symptoms. I learned that the hard way and I am still hurting from xanax withdraws. Stay away from Benzos!!!

  • 153gmoney says:

    this man is saying the truth, any of you idiots who just know off a book have no? idea. exercise,eating and not focusing on the anxiety, also get a therapist. thats the recipe for xanax withdrawal ive done it before there is no other fancy way to get off benzos you just have to accept the withdrawal and stay strong

  • redcomet2010 says:

    I have been through xanax withdrawal and the key is to just trust yourself 100% when you tell yourself that you are alright and you ignore anxiety, if there even is a shadow of a doubt, with withdrawal that doubt? will grow and grow and overcome you….so just say fuck it and not worry about anything, that easy

  • OccupyYourWallets says:

    finally a doctor who knows what hes talking about, right guys exercise your ass off while your having seizures from xanax withdrawal, if the withdrawal is? strong enough to send you into uncontrollable confulsions imagine what else it does to your body, this asshole in the video doesnt know what hes talking about

  • steve miller says:

    Just dont cold trky, it aint worth it. i cld trked for 1 month and wnd up in the e.r. had to get on it just to ween off. i cant imagine going thru that again ever in my life. as for the chiro dr. he’s right, when weening you shd exeicise and wtch yer diet-very helpful. if i didnt take amino acids, herbs and a lot of gaba plus vitamins, i wouldnt be here to tell about it- it was that hidious. if it takes 2 yrs to ween off then too bad, its a rotton drug to get mixed? up with-TRUST ME

  • steve miller says:

    to all you morons out there, he never said to cold turkey. i’v been on it? for 8 yrs weening for 1. exercise helps a lot! as fo the med stdnt, you dont know jk sht. your just the guy that gets people hooked on this crap and then says, your hooked, you need to go to rehab. i trust the chiro more than the M.D.

  • Will Fincher says:

    Hey I’m in the same boat, took for about 18 days on and off with 1mg, sometimes .5 I stopped because I was tired of being sleepy in the day. After 3 nights I started getting withdrawls,? I did not sleep until 9am, and my lungs and back cramped up bad. How did your situation work out because I am not sure if I should go to the E.R

  • BREAD92110 says:

    ya take it for? awhile then cut yourself of and collapse on the floor after chewing on your kitchen table because you don’t no what the fuck is going on and die of a seizure GREAT ADVICE DUMB ASS!!!!!

  • BREAD92110 says:

    fuck you you have no idea what life is like on it for 20 yrs 6 mgs? a day and being cut off , and almost dying from seizures protein shake fuck you and prescribe it to yourself you quak!

  • MsDevybaby says:

    amen to that brother.pot has been my saviour through this past year of hell. I have h pylori which is a stomach parasite and im sick 24-7,i also have a benzo addiction and a pain killer addiction.its wonderful bein me (definitely sarcasm).Ive often wondered how i will survive this.Marijuana has kept me from dying or being in the ER all the time,etc.etc. If i ever get my health under control then i’ll? have a hard time kickin the pot lol. What i would give to be in that easy position.

  • BlackoutDOTcom says:

    Exercise does help but you need to be in a? monitored situation if you are fully dedicated to removing xanax from your life. It is more dangerous that the worst street drug you could imagine if stopped abruptly. Crack and heroin are safer.

  • Headshothorror4488 says:

    what about alcohol? ? Kills more then any pres drug !!!! Wtff

  • Andrea shannon rose says:

    what an idiot. who gave him his degree? ?

  • William Patrick says:

    I suggest the only true way of treating the withdrawals- tapering off the medication. Benzodiazepines influence the nervous system, and once the nervous system has adapted to the chemistry of the drug, IT CAN NOT GO WITHOUT IT without going awry. You HAVE to taper. IF you can NOT taper, you can try Valerian Root (in high doses), it has the? effect of Valium. Do NOT exercise, as that will only stimulate the nervous system? causing MORE distress. You can DIE from benzo withdrawals. TAPER DOWN

  • zjaz10 says:

    what do you? suggest?

  • ANT1714 says:

    what if u cant exercise cause your soo out of it on your taper and what about protein bars with like 15g of protein and it has? 5grams of sugar thats cool to eat right or no

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