Symptoms of a Shopping Addiction?

Question by : Symptoms of a ?

Best answer:

Answer by The Dude
i’ll sell you a list of the symptoms for five bucks

What do you think? Answer below!



VLOG 3/15- Shopping Addiction, Work – I Hate Retail – thanks for watching guys!!! follow me on instagram- @emmanevada or twitter! @emmanevada.



18 Responses to Symptoms of a Shopping Addiction?

  • Audrey says:

    if u spend more than you have or are spending on material items before necessities

  • Heart of Fire says:

    Feeling guilty after every purchase.
    Having clothes in your closet with tags still on them (implying that they’ve never been worn).
    Buying clothes you don’t need.
    Buying clothes that you wouldn’t normally buy just because they’re on sale.
    Going shopping to lift a bad mood.
    Going shopping at least once every week.
    Having multiple maxed-out credit cards from shopping.
    If your spending habits are the subject of fights between you and your BF.

    Can you tell that I have a shopping addiction?

  • Racoon says:

    i heard that its because your life is missing something and shopping fills that hole and the rush of buying something FANTASTIC 😀

  • ManOnTheMoon Topaz says:

    She looks like AnnasophiaRobb. This bitch is fine

  • chanel campbell says:

    lol, older women are almost worse than the younger ones. You don’t sound
    bitchy at all. Working with the public is very draining.

  • Emma Nevada says:

    thanks, that means a lot! I’m getting my Bachelor’s in public relations

  • Emma Nevada says:


  • misaki covington says:

    cute dress from the website!

  • michele kristine says:

    I understand about working in retail. lol I worked at a grocery store for 5
    years. I hated it. I’m glad i don’t work in retail anymore. I never will
    again. lol

  • JustDuckyy says:

    hoW old are you?

  • Allison Galler says:

    There are iWorld things that transmit the busic from your phone to a
    certain radio station

  • Emma Nevada says:

    thank you for understanding, it is definitely a lot to handle sometimes!

  • sparkliebabyyy says:

    I totally agree about working in retail.. The older people are the worst
    they can be so mean and rude.. I think everyone should work in retail to
    learn how to treat people better

  • karena woods says:

    You seem like a really mature person and very wise for your age. What
    degree are you doing?

  • Emma Nevada says:

    thank you! I hope it’s nice!

  • Emma Nevada says:

    yes!! so frustrating, I’m glad you understand 🙂

  • SweetSassyNPink says:

    I love your vlogs! You should do more! 🙂

  • Julie Lilly says:

    I work in retail too and I know exactly what your saying. its crazy how
    people just leave all the clothes in the dressing room floors. I had a lady
    snap at me to come to her and help her. I hate retail also.

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