adam kokesh

1in3 Homeless Are US Veterans


1in3 homeless are US veterans – Too often many of the homeless in America are former US military personnel who have fell on hard times, are addicted to medication and drugs or simply just need some help. Joining RT’s Dina Gusovsky Iraq war veteran Adam Kokesh speaks about veterans’ homelessness and the reasons behind it.


Chesapeake Prison Opens Wing for Vets

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

"We've developed a curriculum specifically to address post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse and other common issues faced by veterans." … He said he hopes prison staff will do more to help inmates apply for Veterans Administration benefits.


Leave no veteran behind

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

In response, veterans court programs have begun springing up to help veterans with mental health and substance abuse issues and to connect them with resources. The first veteran's court opened in Buffalo, N.Y., in 2008, according to the National Center …
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