addiction counselor

Raw Food Power- Life Regenerators Story!


Raw Food Power- Life Regenerators Story! – FREE Nutrition Book and Raw Food Diet Report and Health Coaching Join for FREE http today! CC: “a drug addict is a failed seeker” in this video LIFE REGENERATOR shares his story, how he started raw food diet, transition, fall backs, struggles and success, his childhood, growing up, being around drugs and body building career. struggles with money and now finding his true passion and helping people to get well, loose weight, get rid of cancer and other degenerative diseases. this video was shot at woodstock fruit festival where dan the man was for the whole 8 days and taught classes, made his famous DTM green juice and morning walks. by now life regenerator helped many people already and is helping more everyday by making videos on youtube in his channel life regenerator, he also has a website regenerate your life, and life saving DVD’s. loose a pound a day and more, including recipe videos, gourmet recipes, juice recipes, tonics, beautiful skin recipes, nut free, low fat recipes. life regenerator is one of the number one raw food educators, he is the star of raw food youtube community, millions of people saw his videos. his personal stories and inspirational talks are attracting people from different backgrounds and different age groups, different skin colors and different professions. he is onto mission to save the he ls, and he is doing it successfully! I this video he admits binging on alcohol only 3 short years ago and eating peanut butter


Addiction Counselor: 'The Face of Heroin in the 1970s Isn't the Face Today

Filed under: drug addiction newsletter

In the second of a three-part video series about area drug use, four drug treatment specialists talk about what leads teens and young adults to use hard drugs, and what can be done to prevent the rising trends. Panel members in the second video include …


Health Canada tight-lipped on Champix suicides

Filed under: drug addiction newsletter

… three times as high as the next drug. “When you have something like this, it does behoove investigators to study it more fully and ascertain if, in fact, this signal is accurate,” said Dr. Peter Selby, chief of addictions at Toronto's Centre for …
Read more on Toronto Star


Part IV: The Number of Heroin Fatalities is Rising Exponentially, from five in

Filed under: drug addiction newsletter

She was advised to stick to topics that talk about how the drug harms the body. Treatment facilities and support. A man in his late 50s or early 60s found the stamina to address the difficulties his family has faced with treatment facilities. "My son's …