addiction rehabilitation

Is Decriminalizing Drug Use and Increasing Rehab Opportuniites the Solution to Illegal Drugs?

Question by Alvaro G: is decriminalizing drug use and increasing rehab opportuniites the solution to illegal drugs?
Mexico passed a controversial law on Aug. 20, 2009, decriminalizing people’s personal use of drugs.
the decriminalization policy is a progressive effort to humanize people who use drugs
punitive sanctions for drug users, such as detention, is no longer adopted in Mexico. The government believes that people who use drugs need health treatment. Drug addiction rehabilitation facilities should be established to fulfill their needs for health treatment, care and support for a full reco

Best answer:

Answer by obamasbro
whoooppie ! mexico is already a basket case,now it will be a total sh+i+t hole…people,drug users/addicts are worthless group that contribute nothing to society.what the fk is wrong with you,dopers do not work,just party….

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


UH Health Center holds open house during Weeks of Welcome

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

The psychiatry clinic has a board of certified psychiatric physicians who treat mood disorders, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, eating disorders and alcohol or drug abuse. “Be a proactive student and seek care at a very …
Read more on The Daily Cougar


In Scotland, People Realize That “Crystal Meth Cupcakes” Are Offensive

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

Then again, our culture's penchant for jokily comparing food to addictive drugs—Crack Pie, anyone?—is pretty deeply ingrained. It's nice to see Glasgow's Evening Times treat meth cupcakes critically, instead of treating them as an opportunity for …
Read more on Slate Magazine (blog)