addiction treatment

Have You Ever Been in Drug Rehab?

Question by Anne Grande: Have you ever been in drug rehab?
Did you not want to go at first? Did you see the value of it once there for a while? Did it work for you?
A family member of mine just entered rehab, though he did not want to go, he went because he’s a teen and knew we could force him to. Has a problem, though he thinks he can control it. Looking for any insight about this.
Thanks for the answers. Especially Ray-those are good insights and I will be aware, and discuss those things with him. I appreciate your taking the time to help.
This is interesting stuff. But I am talking about inhalants, (aerosols, etc). I wonder if that is different.
Concerned he wont make it to adulthood with out brain damage or death.

Best answer:

Answer by Faithful
There are many counselors that could help. There are those that came from the same problems and those that are ANOINTED to help! Many times both occurred! I once was the best alcoholic in existence that I ever heard of. I drank 24 beers a day and at lunch near work, would go to a bar and have 3 double shots and 5 beers in 20 minutes! I was loosing my family.. my marriage and was verbally abusive. My sons saw what happened when an assistant Pastor from a church lead my wife and I to know Christ. In 2 weeks I had no desire for alcohol! AA suggests use what works.. one of the steps, in fact, 2 say.. look the spiritual help in who you may believe! I found the only real help that stays with you is accepting the Creator of the Universe.. Jesus.. Gospel of John tells of who He is!

If you read the Scriptures it can be like Sci-Fi! One place Jesus enters a boat.. it says.. suddenly they were at the other shore.. He can control time! One witness was asked to witness to this traveler. He was many miles away.. suddenly the witness was sent instantly on the trail where the this person was traveling. The witness saw the traveler reading and asked.. what are you reading? He was reading in the Old Testament about the Christ. Do you believe, the witness asked. Yes I do, he said. Then, the witness asked, why not be baptized? They saw water and he was baptized. Thus we see the first evidence of the “Transporter” and it is not an actor.. Earl

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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