addiction treatment

Ideas for Treatment of Depression?

Question by AspenTree13: Ideas for treatment of depression?
So I have difficult to treat depression. Was on Lexapro 20 mg for like 5 years…and felt fine…then all of a sudden the depression came on again. Tried Effexor instead of Lexapro…and it gave me panic attacks. Than put on Paxil 40mg but it put me at about the same state as the Lexapro. Then the doctor put me on Vyprexa…which seemed to help stabilize my mood but I gained 20 lbs in like a month. So then I wanted to change meds again. So the doc tried to just take me off the Vyprexa and I got super depressed. So she tried me on Lithium…because it was cheap…but it didn’t seem to help any and was giving me a bunch of side effects. So came off the Lithium and tried Welbutrin…and since starting the Welbutrin have had migraines all week. Doctor wants to take me off the welbutrin and see if it improved my migraines…and increase my paxil to 60 mg a day. The doctor seems to want to put me back on an antipsychotic…but they are so expensive…and I’m really worried about gaining weight. The doc thinks that Abilify will work well for me and won’t make me gain weight. I’m not really sure what to do but I could really use a second opinion…I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best answer:

Answer by Lawrence D
I have bad news for you. The depression drug business is a racket. It’s organized crime on that has basically co-opted the illegal drug business.
If I could recommend you to try something, I’d really like to know if it will work. Eating more fresh fruit (not canned or frozen or processed), like oranges, apples, berries, bananas, honeydew, watermelon, and then combining that with cardio exercise. I started running when I was about 20. If you’ve never run before, you have to try it and not give up the first try. The human body is designed to run! If you’re not jumping out of bed in the morning after running, I’ll eat my shirt. Unless you are disabled, you have to try it. You’ll notice several incredibly amazing things – you’re alertness level will skyrocket, instead of feeling drowsy and tired all day, you’ll be able to stay awake and clearly focused all day long, every day, without any difficulty whatsoever. Maybe you’ve tried running before and never experienced this benefit.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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