alcohol and drug abuse

How Is Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Is Different From Mental Health Treatment?

Question by Rashonda: how is alcohol and drug abuse treatment is different from mental health treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Sharon
alchohol and drugs are addictions to a substance, which does affect the brain

mental health is stress and anxiety related, which also affects the brain

but everyone is different, so the approach top treatment will be individualized.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs – Sage Retreat at Hemet Valley Recovery Center S – Stories of Hope. WWW.HVRC.COM Sage Retreat Recovery Center, California alcohol treatment and drug rehab programs located in Hemet, California. Alcohol Treatm…


Helping Teens Today For A Better Tomorrow By Cary Quashen

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

As a nation, we need to wake up to the reality that for some, alcoholism and addiction develop at a young age and that intervention, treatment, and recovery support, are essential for them and their families. We can't afford to wait any longer. We can …
Read more on KHTS Radio


Film to talk alcohol, drug recovery, addiction

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

“The Anonymous People,” a documentary film, focuses on the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The film will be shown Wednesday evening in the Gluck Theatre. Long-term treatments, such as anonymous, …
Read more on Daily Athenaeum


Cary Quashen: Teens need to say 'no' to alcohol

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Please be aware that no substance of abuse is more widely used and abused by America's youth than alcohol, making alcoholism and alcohol-related problems the No. 1 public health problem in the United States. The widespread prevalence of under-age …
Read more on Santa Clarita Valley Signal