alcoholics anonymous

Is There Anything I Can Do BESIDES Alcoholics Anonymous?

Question by jgurl45: is there anything i can do BESIDES alcoholics anonymous?
i’ve been to AA but it just made me feel worse because someone would bring up something at every meeting that really bothered me and i would leave crying every time.

i REALLY have to stop. it got me in trouble with school and my parents are gonna find out and i just really need to stop.

and i do anything i can get my hands on. booze, weed, loritab, codeine, ANYTHING

are there any support groups besides AA…or NA because there are none of those around here. i’m in south florida…so is there anything you can recommend?

oh and if you don’t have anything of substance to say please don’t bother answering.
i should mention that both my parents and both my brothers are alcoholics. they have no idea what is wrong with me and don’t approve of me taking medication for depression.

Best answer:

Answer by spliceit
Just stop.

You are giving into your weaknesses, taking the easy way out. Take a look at why you have to drink/do drugs. What is the underlying problem? What caused you to go down that path and what can you do to help yourself stop the fall. The answers you seek are inside you, not at the bottom of an empty bottle.

I would just like to thank everyone for the thumbs down. However, if you check out the profile for the person who asked this question and look at the questions she has posted you will see there is an under lying problem that has caused her self destructive behaviour. It is that which needs to be addressed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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