alcoholism treatment

Alcoholism Treatment Center Anaheim


Alcoholism Treatment Center Anaheim – -Oral medications may also be prescribed to keep you from consuming alcohol during the treatment phase or ke…


Calling honest bell ringers for the Salvation Army: Santora

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

He used a military model to gain respect and discipline its members into a Christian community. They hold Sunday services in their chapel and follow … The latter also houses a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. By the end of September, Lockwood …


Compassion that Compels is proof 'it only takes a spark to get a fire going

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

It was designed as an alternative to the impersonal, oversized “freezer bags” that treatment center patients are typically given to store their personal items. As Stewart explains, it … I live in a different state and have been loved on by sisters in …


Christians flock to music festival in Harlingen

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

On Saturday, her son, 16-year-old Ricky Garcia, and thousands of fans got a chance to a see the Christian super group that headlined Praise on the Hill at the Harlingen Soccer Complex. “I'm a great … 1,” said Barron, 22, a student at the University …
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