arizona republic

Xanax Addiction and Xanax Abuse

...  and drafted legislation to help combat this growing issue. The following is a brief synopsis … Read more on Chippewa Herald  Don't underestimate addictive nature of nicotine Filed under: addiction helpline For some, this year could be different if they get the right help — help that may be a little easier because of the much-anticipated Affordable Care Act, which has made tobacco prevention and cessation programs a priority. For them, 2014 could be the … Read more on Arizona Republic  North Central Community Calendar (Jan. 30-Feb. 4) Filed under: addiction helpline Dr. Jason Wilkinson will host a Total Food Makeover event, designed to help attendees understand why the standard, grain-heavy North American diet makes losing weight nearly impossible. In addition to a fully outlined 30-day weight loss challenge, … Read more on San Antonio Express Tags: arizona republic, san antonio, weight loss, addiction helpline, treatment option ...