arizona republic

What Is It Like Being a Drug and Alcohol Counselor?

Question by desolatedelusion: What is it like being a drug and alcohol counselor?
I have always been interested in this field but I really don’t know much about it. Do you work in a drug treatment center? Are your patients there by choice? Are you comfortable financially? Is this a flooded field?Any dangers or bad personal experiences? Is this harder for females? I’ll also take any advice you’d like to give. Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by Shaleeza L
spin around 20 times and go fast thet is your anwer.If that is wrong try 30 times.

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Shortage of key drug hampering U.S. efforts to control TB, report says

Filed under: drug treatment centers

The drug, isoniazid (INH), was first used in 1951 and is one of four drugs considered to be the core of any first-line treatment for tuberculosis (TB). Patients must take the drugs for six to nine months, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease …
Read more on Medical Xpress


Novus Backs California Medical Board Support of Prescription Drug Reforms

Filed under: drug treatment centers

Novus Medical Detox, one of the only Florida-based detox centers serving high-dosage prescription drug abuse patients across the USA, supports the Board's decision and encourages universal prescription drug monitoring systems in every state. The …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Scrutiny of Scottsdale residential treatment center grows as more teens run away

Filed under: drug treatment centers

A 14-year-old girl took drugs and had sex with a stranger after walking away last month from a Scottsdale residential treatment center whose problems with runaways had been documented in an Arizona Republic report. The middle-school student's family …


From Twitter:

RT @VICE: Thousands of American Teens Are Being Trapped in Abusive ‘Drug Rehab Centers‘ – by el_dusto (dusty)


From Twitter:

RT @VICE: Thousands of American Teens Are Being Trapped in Abusive ‘Drug Rehab Centers‘ – by BrandonDoughan (Brandon Doughan)


From Twitter:

RT @opliberation1: Thousands of American Teens Are Being Trapped in Abusive ‘Drug Rehab Centers’ via @VICE

#OPLib… – by janejord (Jane Jordan)