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Are There Any Books About Understanding Drug Addiction?

Question by : Are there any books about understanding drug addiction?
I’m currently in early recovery from drug addiction but my parents don’t quite understand addiction and i don’t know how to explain it to them. Does anyone know if there’s any good books about it that i can buy for them to help them understand more?

Thank you!

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The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA – The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA. Children in families experiencing alcohol or drug abuse need attention, guidance and support. They may be growing up in homes in which the problems are either denied or covered up. These children need to have their experiences validated. They also need safe, reliable adults in whom to confide and who will support them, reassure them, and provide them with appropriate help for their age. They need to have fun and just be kids. Families with alcohol and drug problems usually have high levels of stress and confusion. High stress family environments are a risk factor for early and dangerous substance use, as well as mental and physical health problems. It is important to talk honestly with children about what is happening in the family and to help them express their concerns and feelings. Children need to trust the adults in their lives and to believe that they will support them. Children living with alcohol or drug abuse in the family can benefit from participating in educational support groups in their school student assistance programs. Those age 11 and older can join Alateen groups, which meet in community settings and provide healthy connections with others coping with similar issues. Being associated with the activities of a faith community can also help. Dependence on alcohol and drugs is our most serious national public health problem. It is prevalent among rich and poor, in all


Drugaddiction support agency opens new office

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Drug-addiction support agency opens new office … to his attention as he campaigned for governor in 2010. The group consists of parents who lost adult children to painkiller overdoses. It also includes recovering addicts and people with an addicted …
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Parents and teenagers, do attend this DEFY program on 15th Aug and help your

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Parents and teenagers, do attend this DEFY program on 15th Aug and help your kids. By Citizen Reporter. Rotary Club of Mumbai Lakers in association with Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, is pleased to introduce D.E.F.Y – Drug Education For You. You might …
Read more on Planet Powai