christian drug

Christian Alcohol Rehabilitation


Christian Alcohol Rehabilitation – Home for Health Lifestyle Center offers a peaceful scenic environment for those battling w…


Homeless for the holidays

Filed under: christian drug rehab

What began out of a storefront chapel in 1944 now includes several residential centers for homeless and/or recovering addicts — the Jimmie Hale Mission, a Christian organization co-founded by a reformed “town drunk,” Jimmie Hale, and his new bride …
Read more on Weld for Birmingham (blog)


Weymouth gets set to launch support network for addicts

Filed under: christian drug rehab

Now, firefighters are hoping a new safety net spearheaded by the fire department can reduce the number of overdoses by connecting addicts and their families to rehab programs, support groups and access to the overdose-reversing drug naloxone, also …
Read more on The Patriot Ledger


Montana's Real-Life Walter White

Filed under: christian drug rehab

To go from bad to worse, court papers filed in this Montana city say one of the two gunmen in the other car is own his real-life son, Brandon White, trading shots with his dad over a $ 10,000 drug bet. Not even …. After his bust and subsequent guilty …
Read more on Daily Beast