compulsive gambling

Would You Consider Addiction Treatment as One of the Ways by Which We Can Foster a Healthy Society?

Question by alani s: Would you consider addiction treatment as one of the ways by which we can foster a healthy society?
I want to get your opinions. How can addiction treatment benefit society as a whole and not just the patient? I’m planning on doing a paper on this to get extra credit for a class of mine. I just want to see what other people think. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by angel lc
Yes. Addiction treatment is definitely good for our society. Addiction treatment gets to benefit society because for every addict that gets treated, there’s one individual brought back to sobriety, to productivity. Researches show that drug addicts are more likely to get affected and spread diseases such as HIV and AIDS. They are also more likely to showcase violent behavior. These can be avoided if they undergo addiction treatment, which is also for the betterment of society.

What do you think? Answer below!



How I Got Help for my Gambling Problem — Gamblers Anonymous – For eight years, compulsive gambling devastated my life to the point where I had become hopeless. No matter how much I won or lost, I could not stop. I amassed huge debts and I wanted desperately to stop gambling, but on my own, I could not. But I found Gamblers Anonymous and the 12 Steps of Recovery, and, after surrendering to the fact that I am powerless over gambling and that my life had become unmanageable, I found hope. Through the people and tools GA offers, and through my willingness to listen and work at my own recovery, my life has gotten better. And I’ve not made a bet in 4 years! Help is available. Visit and find a meeting near you. Your life can get better! Just take that first step… PS The reason you don’t see my face on this video is because GA program guidelines request that we remain anonymous at the level of press, radio, films and television. It’s the message that counts — not the messenger. That said, feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like to find out more about the GA program or how it has helped me. Peace.


Setting a limit on lottery revenue would help Legislature budget better

Filed under: addiction help

It would signal to the Legislature that lottery money isn't free when it's on the backs of folks who work for it but often lose their way thinking it might be free. And it would help the Legislature get a grip on a "free money" addiction by walking …


Mum's cry for help after her son becomes addicted to role-playing game

Filed under: addiction help

Has gaming addiction caused problems for you or your loved ones? Email us here. Unaware of his motivations and thinking he was developing schizophrenia, Karen called emergency mental health services, who couldn't help because Sam was under 18.


Website FAddict wants to help you quit Facebook

Filed under: addiction help

Are you addicted to Facebook? If so, the folks at FAddict want to help. Created by Faisal Abid and Charlie Mclean of Toronto's Dynamatik — a start-up that helps other start-ups — the website's premise is simple: Pay five dollars and then deactivate …
Read more on MetroNews Canada


From Twitter:

21 Day Sugar Detox: Easy to follow three week program to help break your addiction to sugar and carbs. – by Recommend4You (Recommended 4 You)


From Twitter:

@Allytrethewey I don’t love it it’s an addiction and I can’t help it if my muscles are small 🙁 #BeaLover #NotaHater – by xLeannexo (Leanne Wright)


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I think I have a problem, I’m becoming addicted to speakers and tattoos…. It’s a very expensive addiction #helpby twinkling_bella (Starr Melanie Lewis)