crisis intervention

Alcohol Rehab Centers Residential Alcohol Rehab Centers Alcohol Rehab Centers


Alcohol Rehab Centers Residential Alcohol Rehab Centers Alcohol Rehab Centers


Mayo Clinic's programs offer hope and treatment to tobacco-dependent patients

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

•More than 25,000 study subjects have participated in 110 randomized clinical trials and other research related to public health issues around tobacco, nicotine addiction, treatment approaches and drug therapy options. •This year, the … Some of their …


Consultant's report calls for overhaul of state hospital's approach to caring

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

Many of the hospital's patients, he said, could be referred to an alcohol or drug detox facility or to a short-term crisis intervention program. But often they are not, … For that to happen, the report noted, KDADS and the community mental health …
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