daily caller

Does Anyone Know of a Drug Rehabilitation Center That Will Take a Family With Medicaid?

Question by Deidra Y: Does anyone know of a drug rehabilitation center that will take a family with medicaid?
I work at a drug rehab and I had a call just now from a man that wants him and his wife to go into recovery and bring their children. They have medicaid. They are from Texas. Any advice ASAP will be great … thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Pisgat Zeev
Hunh; have they considered Teen Challenge? Despite their name, they take people of all ages. They also have an exceptionally high cure rate.

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The Treatment Center of Houston TX – (832) 510-3573 – With drug and/or alcohol addiction symptoms showing their ugly face it is good to recognize the signs. The Treatment Center of Houston TX Recognizes the symp…


Obamacare hides switch of subsidies from young to old, says study

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In “11 of 15 [Obamacare] exchanges, the [taxpayer] subsidies disappeared for people aged 18-34 even before $ 34,470 annually,” well below the promised cut-off at $ 45,960, says the new study by the National Center for Public Policy Research.
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Jon Voight-Chabadnik at heart

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“When I showed up to Chabad's drug rehabilitation center,” he recalled, “there was a long line of guys—tattooed and muscular—in front of a table where a hefty [rabbi] with a beard was arm-wrestling them, one by one, and he would just knock down their …
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California Bill Would Give Drug Users Treatment Instead Of Prison Time

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The significance of this statistic is not lost on Romero, who is now living and working as a drug counselor at the Amity Foundation, a residential substance-abuse treatment center based in Los Angeles. Romero recently calculated that his 19 years in …
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How Death Penalties in the U.S. Are Hitting a Road Block Because of…the E.U.

Filed under: drug rehab centers in texas

So they've clamped down as much as they can,” Richard Dieter, executive director of the Washington-based Death Penalty Information Center, an anti-death penalty organization, said last month. He said pentobarbital, which has been used along … Texas …
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