drug addiction treatment act

Pooja (Short Film)


Pooja (short film) – “…an eye-opener…” The Himalayan Times “… an honest attempt…” Republica Pooja is a story about one of life’s biggest and riskiest endeavors: givi…


Theater to See in L.A. This Week, Including an All-Female Hamlet

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

Solid performances by Rob Nagle and Cody Kearsley as death-row inmates in side-by-side cells distinguish Theatre Arts' production of Bruce Graham's 2000 social-issue drama. College-educated … Originating from a 1992 script by Victor Tamayo, which …
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Colorado's Civil War

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

When Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, signed the bill into law in March, many Coloradans suspected that he had at least one eye on some higher office, because Hickenlooper had never been known as a gun-control booster. …. The primary problem was …
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Should Australia Ban Smacking?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

The country's official child welfare agency figures show that, since the no-smacking law was passed in 2007, substantiated cases of physical abuse have climbed from 2321 to 3249 in the year to June 2012. Emotional and sexual abuse as well as child …
Read more on Aleteia