drug addiction treatment act

Actor Matthew Perry Lobbies Congress for Drug Court Funding


Actor Matthew Perry Lobbies Congress For Drug Court Funding – Matthew Perry joins the Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus on Capitol Hill to lobby for drug court funding.


Wooton: Parental denial is a destructive force

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Most people believe that recognizing a drug problem in an adolescent during times of crisis (arrests, problems at school, defiant behavior at home, even overdose) may appear to be easy. Television dramas … Denial, this hugely destructive force, can …
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Many Docs Still Don't Understand Opioid Dependence

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

A total of 1000 Americans between the ages of 26 and 49 years filled out the online survey between January 2 and January 7, 2013, as did 200 non–Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (DATA 2000) certified primary care, family practice, and internal …
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