drug and alcohol

Is a Drug Addiction All Mental??

Question by bksmyth1: Is a drug addiction all mental??
Is a drug addiction all in your head or is it real, because ive done pills and i wasnt addicted, ive done coke and i didnt become addicted and the same thing with cigarettes, i smoked them but i never became addicted.. can someone tell me..

Best answer:

Answer by Blut et Aske
A real drug addiction is mostly/all physical (withdrawals). Anything can be habitual mentally. And yeah, if you don’t get addicted to alcohol you won’t get addicted to most drugs, because alcohol is very addictive to begin with.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Addiction Counseling – Part 1 – http://recoverynowtv.com http://www.facebook.com/RecoveryNowTV Mike and Kerry Regan, a drug and alcohol counselor with Spencer Recovery Centers, review the p…


Mystery of the Hope Diamond Curse

Filed under: drug addiction help now

Those who came in contact with the diamond suffered failed marriages, dead children, drug addiction, insanity, and probably bad hair days and paper cuts as well. [Countdown: Real or Not? 6 Famous Historical Curses]. The Hope diamond is the most famous …
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Botched execution: why US has turned to untried drugs

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Tennessee, Louisiana, Georgia and Arkansas have suspended use of the death penalty because of the difficulty of obtaining the drugs needed for the lethal injection. Prosecutors in America are now less likely to seek the death penalty as a result of the …
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