drug czar

Are African American Generally Violent and Aggressive Law Breakers?

Question by Dewey: Are African American generally violent and aggressive law breakers?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S.

If this is true then at least 50% of black here in Y!! Boxing is drug user and pushers just like their idol mayweather family! Can you name some of them?


Best answer:

Answer by I CHOOSE YOU
well not all, every race have a fair share of criminal.

What do you think? Answer below!


Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske talks tough on marijuana as pressure grows

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who appeared with the drug czar at the Baltimore news conference, said surveys of marijuana use now showed “the highest rates ever” for regular consumption by high school seniors, at 6 …
Read more on Fort Worth Star Telegram


Unfinished business: reducing Indigenous incarceration

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

According to the report, this over-representation in arrest, conviction and imprisonment is driven by family violence and sexual abuse, inter-generational trauma, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse and, tragically, high rates of re-imprisonment …
Read more on The Conversation


Indiana launches website to fight Rx drug abuse

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

More people abuse prescription drugs in the U.S. than cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants combined, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Statistics show that abuse and misuse among all age groups is a serious problem in Indiana …
Read more on Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (blog)


Abuse of painkillers raises risk of heroin use

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

… all regions of the nation except in the South, where the rate stayed the lowest in the country. Blacks were less likely than other racial and ethnic groups to start using heroin. More information. The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse has more …
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