drug overdoses

654 Habilitat Is Americas Most Successful Addiction Treatment Facility


654 Habilitat is Americas Most Successful Addiction Treatment Facility – Habiltat, founded in 1971 has been on the cutting edge of treating addictions for over 42 years. Habilitat has a success rate over three times the national a…


Manet health center in Quincy using Narcan to treat drug overdoses

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

A Quincy health center is putting anti-overdose drugs in the hands of residents with the hopes of reversing overdose trends and giving victims a second chance at life. Manet Community Health Center has been on a mission since January to distribute the …
Read more on Boston.com


Clinic to offer 'Breaking Bad' rehab scholarships

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities

… Bad and its methamphetamine trafficking theme to help fight addiction. KRQE-TV reported that Sage Neuroscience Center has partnered with HealthShire.com to give away two addiction-treatment scholarships at the end of the AMC television series.
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