family member

Union NJ Addiction Treatment Center


Union NJ Addiction Treatment Center – -If you are experiencing a similar struggle, either with your own self or a dear friend or family member, use our disti…


Report: some gains on substance abuse, mental health

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

The report, called the National Behavioral Health Barometer, gathers together data from Medicare and from previously released surveys conducted by SAMHSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Separate …
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Honolulu Drug Detox Launches Women's Program for Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

According to an article, drug detoxification "is used to reduce or relieve withdrawal symptoms while helping the addicted individual adjust to living without drug use; drug detoxification is not meant to treat addiction but rather an early step in long …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Obama Administration Urges Cops To Help Save Lives By Treating Heroin

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

“We cannot arrest our way out of the drug problem,” Kerlikowske explained. “Drug addiction is a disease of the brain — a disease that can be prevented, treated, and from which one can recover.” A handful of states have already begun to expand police …
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