family members

Inpatient Treatment Center for Drug Addiction Rehab in Santa Cruz


Inpatient Treatment Center for Drug Addiction Rehab in Santa Cruz – CampRecovery treatment center is an inpatient treatment center for drug and alcohol rehab solution and it make to bring relationships back in family with com…


CMS takes a step back on tackling hospitalizations under the ESRD QIP

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

In the FY 2016 proposed rule released in July 2013, CMS asked for comments on adding three new clinical measures (Patient Informed Consent for Anemia Treatment, Hypercalcemia, and NHSN Bloodstream Infection in Hemodialysis Outpatients) and two …


Upper Ferntree Gully drug rehab clinic stay open over Christmas to help ice

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

The centre started fortnightly information sessions to educate family members about treatment options and offered a 10-day intensive outpatient program to cater for drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, Mr Hall said. DayHab will hold its next free …
Read more on Herald Sun


Dr. Janet Rowley, cancer genetics pioneer and mentor to women scientists, dies

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

The result, he said is that, with what used to be fatal diseases, can now be treated on an outpatient basis with drugs taken orally. “It was the very first effective targeted therapy in a human cancer,” Larson said. The reason it took so long between …


New rehab unit debuts

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

29, the hospital will move into its new inpatient rehabilitation center on the fifth floor of the main hospital building, relocating from the South Campus. Hospital officials say the new center, which cost about $ 6 million, has many improvements over …
Read more on Sandusky Register