gambling addiction

What to Do if Friend Has Gambling Addiction?

Question by Frosty Z: what to do if friend has gambling addiction?
my friend is an avid poker player, always playing poker at casinos or online,
and i just happened to know he lost a lot of money online ~ -15,000 Usd
through an online database that shows your total profit/losses history, what do you do in these situations

Best answer:

Answer by Joey Ramone
I would call one of those hotlines and talk to an expert. Normal people will have some really good advice, but having dealt with addiction myself, talking to an expert seems like the only good idea.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


UBC to become hub of gambling addiction research

Filed under: gambling addiction help

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall reported late last year that although the province's revenue from gaming increased to $ 2.06 billion in 2012 (from $ 1.4 billion in 2002), it has spent just 0.4 per cent of that on problem gambling treatment …
Read more on MetroNews Canada


Address to 5th International Gambling Conference at AUT

Filed under: gambling addiction help

Of particular interest is how the Therapeutic Protocol can be applied to problem and pathological gamblers by virtue of the concept of Gambling Treatment Courts and currently how this operates in the world's only Gambling Treatment Court in Amherst …
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