illegal drug

Questions About Drug Abuse?

Question by Zugoo: Questions about drug abuse?
Hello, i have a project about drugs, but i need some questions to write about before i start.
Does anyone have any idea for some questions about how to fight drug abuse by teenagers?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Casey
Projects start with research.
Google ” Illegal drugs and teens”

or “Is marijuana addictive for some all or none.”…………

Most Illegal Drug Users Are Employed
Other NSDUH findings included:
•Of unemployed adults, 18.5 are illicit drug users.
•Only 8.8 percent of full time employees are drug users.
•9.4 percent of part-time employees are drug users.
•Most illegal drug users (13.4 million) are employed.
•10.2 million people drive under the influence of drugs.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Results from the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings” Sept. 6, 2007.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “New National Survey Reveals Drug Use Down Among Adolescents in U.S.” Sept. 6, 2007.

Marijuana rehab Google.

“Should the marijuana law have a criminal charge applied if under 10 mgms., or should marijuana be decriminalized under 10 mgs – only getting a ticket like a traffic ticket?”

Give your answer to this question below!



A Dangerous Path: Teens and Drug Abuse – A November 2012 special report on KIMT News 3. Sarah Danik follows three stories, with three different outcomes.


New Adolescent Helpline Provides Teens in Tarrytown, NY with Addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

LIGHTNING RELEASES (4/5/2014) -There are too many teenagers in Tarrytown, NY with a drug and alcohol addiction. To help resolve this huge problem, a new helpline was established for teens who are living in Tarrytown, NY. This adolescent wellness …
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Westminster is awash with tales of young men being sexually harassed – but it

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It called to mind, however, innumerable young men I have met on the gay scene over the last 20 years, men who have been abused but who do not consider themselves victims, do not attach words such as "rape" or "sexual assault" to their experiences, do …
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Community coalition confronts prescription drug abuse

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Those at the Ela Coalition Against Youth Substance Abuse's forum April 7 also learned that 33 percent of the 2.5 million Americans who abused prescription drugs in 2010 were between the ages of 12 and 17. About 2,500 teens in the same age range try a …
Read more on Lake County News Sun


House panel hears marijuana legalization bill

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

She said marijuana is often easier for minors to get than alcohol and regulating its sale could help address teen use. She also said the state would benefit from the tens of millions of dollars … Dr. David Lewis, founder of Brown University's Center …