illegal drugs

Drug Abuse Paper? Help?

Question by : drug abuse paper? help?
I need to write a paper about whether I think that drug abuse and alcoholism is a disease or a symptom of a mental illness. I believe it is a symptom, but I’m having tdouble starting the paper. What are some main points that I can expand on? I’m usually so good at this but I’m totally drawing a blank on how to start this one.

Best answer:

Answer by New York Lovers
Drugs may damage brain

What do you think? Answer below!



Do the Media Glamorize Drug Use in America? Statistics, Symptoms, Abuse, Celebrities (1996) – Most governments have designed legislation to criminalize certain types of drug use. These drugs are often called illegal drugs but generally what is illegal…


A 'blockade' for opiates: Vivitrol offers hope for treatment

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Vivitrol also doesn't give the user a high, doesn't impair cognitive function and doesn't lead to withdrawal symptoms if a user stops taking it, said Aleksandra Zgierska, an addiction medicine physician with UW Health. That means it isn't seen as …


The Condition Many Recovering Addicts And Alcoholics Don't Know About

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While addiction specialists may know about post-acute withdrawal syndrome (protracted withdrawal syndrome), or PAWS, many addicts and much of the public do not. Understanding the lingering effects of substance abuse can go a long way toward …
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