illegal immigration

Why Don’t Presidential Canditates Discuss the US Drug Epidemic and the Dismal Failure of the Drug War?

Question by Lou B: Why don’t presidential canditates discuss the US drug epidemic and the dismal failure of the drug war?
This would require the policy makers to admit that most Americans self-medicate on some form of drug everyday, both legal and illegal. This is a drug addiction problem, not a law enforcement issue. Addiction is a disease. Until we treat it this way, the drug problem will never go away.
The politicians do not want to appear soft on “Law and Order” and will advocate more of the old failed policy, more jail time to suppress the symptoms, and not cure the problem.

Best answer:

Answer by KERMIT M
I suppose it’s one more failure they don’t want to address. I had the opportunity to fly back to Tulsa from Tucson and sit beside an Arizona Rancher, whose ranch is on the border. He told me how his property is littered with water bottles and backpacks. Apparently drug mules cross the border onto his ranch and bury their drugs on the property and then head to the nearest highway to be picked up by Border Patrol and taken back across the border for their next run (the Border Patrol of course has no idea they are transporting drugs…).

Then at night some good ol American types come onto the ranch to dig up the drugs and send them on their way to the American consumers, who make this illegal activity a success.

I used to also spend some time on business in Mountain View, Missouri deep in the Mark Twain Forest and close to an isolated part of that forest referred to as the Irish Wilderness. As an avid hiker, I looked forward to hiking that part of the Ozarks. The locals warned me off and said that there are too many drug labs in the woods and the booby traps make hiking a bit too dangerous. They also said that everybody knows that folks come down from St. Louis, buy some isolated woodland and establish their drug labs.

And for me this always raised the question, if everybody knows, then so must law enforcement…right???

Invariably, drugs, illegal immigration are all right out in front of us….but we just don’t seem to have enough Sean Connerys ready to open that door and take care of the problem the Chicago Way.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Ex Drug Addicts Praise and Worship Team Glorious Praise Fellowship Cantonese – Glorious Praise Fellowship have a Praise and Worship team that lead worship every Monday night at meeting for Spirit Filled ex drug addicts. Here Chan Ka Shi…



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