inpatient drug rehab

What Are Your Views on Drug Addiction?

Question by penelope: what are your views on drug addiction?
I am conducting a survey for a school assignment. Feel free to remain anonymous if you respond. Here are the questions I’d like answered. Thank you in advance to those that participated.

1) Do you think addiction is a disease?

2) How do you feel about women who use drugs/alcohol while pregnant?

3) What do you think is the answer to the drug problem in the US?

4) When you think of a person with alcoholism / drug addiction, what do they look like? In other words, what is their general profile?

5) How do you think the drug problem in the US compares globally?

6) Do you think legalization would help or hinder the drug problem?

7) If drugs were legal, would to become a user?

8) What do you think is the cause of homelessness in the US?

9) What do you think would help reduce homelessness?

10) Do you feel uncomfortable using legal drugs around a recovering addict?

Best answer:

Answer by Gabriel
1) No, just a temporary situation
2) This is really stupid to do
3) In my opinion, more control for the hard drugs ( Clinic where they can shoot themselves and receive support at the same time) and legalization of marijuana
4) Depends on what they are using. An addiction to heroin is wayyy more visible then addiction to alcohol.
5) There is better place, and worse at the same time
6) The only actual drug that could be legalize (And should, in my opinion) is marijuana. It will help to take away a lot of dalers, and at the same time the states can make profit
7) Depends. I would try some, but not become a user
8) Drugs. A little bit of bad luck, but mostly hard drugs lead to homelessness
9) rehabilitation in society. Cure their addiction, offer them a safe simple job, a roof for the first couple of months/year
10) Well i would feel a little bit bad, its like smoking cigarette around a person who is trying to stop. But at the same time i should not stop doing what i want because of others

There you go. Sorry for my english, and again everything is based on my opinion. Peace !

What do you think? Answer below!



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