major league baseball

Drug Treatment Program in Florida


drug treatment program in florida –


Charleston-area heroin use trending upward?

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

"For a period of time, we were seeing more prescription drug issues," said Jonas Coatsworth, program administrator for the opioid treatment program at Charleston Center, a county-run prevention, education and treatment facility. "But recently, for the …
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State leaders discuss criminal justice issues in Orlando

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

She wants safe-houses in Florida where victims of human trafficking can receive treatment for drug addictions and receive other services. Bondi also said she and law-enforcement are targeting emerging drugs such as the synthetic drugs Spice and K-2.
Read more on Orlando Sentinel


Cervelli happy to put 2013 behind him

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

… he fractured his right hand in late April and was suspended for 50 games in August after violating the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program following Major League Baseball's investigation into the now-shuttered Biogenesis clinic in South …


Philip Seymour Hoffman cast as a victim of 'disease'

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

Addiction “is a medical disease, not a choice,” Dr. Kim Dennis, CEO of Timberline Knolls, a Florida center that treats problems from eating disorders to drug abuse, wrote on her blog. It was quoted in The Washington … Slate cleaned up his act at St …
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