maricopa county

HELP!!! My Daughter Is 19 Years Old, Lives in Arizona Is and Hooked on Drugs…?

Question by : HELP!!! My daughter is 19 years old, lives in Arizona is and hooked on drugs…?
Her name is Jen and she lives in Tucson with some rotten boyfriend that got her hooked on crack or coke or whatever that junk is. She might even be an addict! I don’t have much to spend on treatment but I have some, plus she has good health insurance. What do I do? Who do I call? She’s my baby girl! Can someone recommend a good rehab where she won’t get beat up by some jailbird and a place that will fix her back to who she used to be?

Best answer:

Answer by Sober Nexus
My name is Eric and I am with a company called Sober Nexus in Los Angeles. I hear stories like this all the time and I’m sorry you have to go through with this. We are working hard to create a free reource for people like you seeking sober living homes, treatment centers and addiction services. In the mean time I have a attached a recent blog posting that might work for you………

This is what I’ve come up with as I researched the Treatment Center and Recovery Marketplace in Arizona

In Arizona there are more than 20 drug and alcohol rehabilitation and addiction treatment centers. People looking for drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Phoenix have many choices to make, including location, type of program available, cost of the drug and alcohol rehab, and more.
About 90% of people with substance abuse problems go through outpatient alcohol and drug treatment services instead of entering a residential rehabilitation program. Even though it has been shown that residential treatment is overall more effective and a drug-free rehabilitation approach is more effective, there is often a very significant commitment that must be made in order to be accepted into a drug rehab facility that impacts job, family, and social life.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, alcohol, drugs, marijuana, and amphetamines were the most common addictions of the people entering treatment facilities in 2008 in Arizona.
Before we get to alcohol and drug treatment centers in the Phoenix area, you might just need information or resources about substance abuse. The following organizations are not licensed facilities, but rather provide information, support, or preventive resources for people with drug and alcohol issues.

Support and Information About Dealing with Substance Abuse

Arizona Department of Health Services
The Arizona Department of Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health Services is the state agency in Arizona where residents may go to get information about behavioral health issues, such as drug, alcohol, and other substance abuse treatment. Here you can find providers of assistance with drug and alcohol treatment, especially if you can’t afford one of those expensive residential treatment centers.

Alcoholics Anonymous
“Maricopa County, Arizona is host to more than 500 Alcoholics Anonymous groups that hold more than 1500 meetings each week. SRI, one of four local Intergroups (see “Intergroup Membership”), operates a Central Office in cooperation with about 350 of those groups which are located primarily in Phoenix or Scottsdale.” Although Alcoholics Anonymous is not a drug or alcohol rehab facility, many people find these support groups beneficial.

Wheel Council
“Our vision is to create programs that merge traditional cultural knowledge with scientific research to facilitate healthy life choices. Our mission is to prevent drug and alcohol use and other destructive behaviors in young people by combining storytelling, the arts, and cultural empowerment with scientific research.” Phoenix.

Here I will provide you with the information for various types of alcohol and drug treatment programs that are available in Maricopa County. At the time of this writing, each of these alcohol rehab facilities was licensed by the State of Arizona as a Behavioral Health Facility, and had no pending enforcement actions (regulatory violations) against them. All of these drug and alcohol rehab treatment centers have actual addresses and phone numbers, not just toll free hotlines. Both outpatient and residential treatment centers are included. At these web sites you can learn about the drug and alcohol treatment philosophy and programs

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities – Inpatient and Outpatient
Banner Health – Behavioral Health Centers
“Banner Behavioral Health is dedicated to providing safe, confidential and compassionate treatment. Our professionals offer customized treatment plans to meet each patient’s particular needs — in the least restrictive therapeutic environment, and furnish specialized treatment for patients with co-existing psychiatric and chemical dependency problems.” Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Glendale.

Dynamic Living Counseling Services
“Dynamic Living is a well-established state-licensed outpatient counseling agency specializing in DUI treatment, education, and screening.” Gilbert, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe
East Valley Substance Abuse Center
“East Valley Substance Abuse Center has successfully served men and women whose dependency on alcohol and other drugs, has led to a lifestyle which has been destructive to their self-esteem, family relationships, employment, and/or legal status.” Mesa.

The Meadows
“The Meadows is a multi-disorder facility specializing in the treatment of trauma and addictions. The Meadows’ clinical experts reach beyond single-level treatme

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New drug can fight inherited skin cancer

Filed under: Drug Treatment Tucson

New drug can fight inherited skin cancer, There is a new drug to fight skin cancer for … Standard cancer treatments such as surgery and radiation may not work … and skin-cancer specialist at the University of Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson.
Read more on Arizona Republic


Cassady, Chen, Dewhirst to be honored with ASTRO Gold Medals

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… a highly regarded paper on the treatment of orbital rhabdomyosarcoma. … of the radiation oncology department at the University of Arizona in Tucson, … angiogenesis and the development of heat activated drug delivery using liposomes.
Read more on (press release)