my family

What Will a Doctor Do When Notified of a Patients Prescription and Other Drug Abuse?

Question by k f: What will a doctor do when notified of a patients prescription and other drug abuse?
My sister is heavily addicted to her prescription drugs (fentanyl patch, xanax, and other assorted pain pills) along with bathsalts and meth. I called her doctor and informed them of her addiction because I am worried about the drugs interacting with each other. Does the doctor have to stop prescribing that stuff once informed of a problem or did I waste my breath informing them?

Best answer:

Answer by Durward Hoff
in my life i learned that the doctor has a say in to what he gives your sister just try to take her to the narcotics anonymous so that she can learn to contain her drug addiction i’m an ex drug abuser and i was cleaned through my family taking me to the narcotics anonymous

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